Angels's Nest Southern Africa - ANSA

A people-centred organisation with a human rights, climate change and peace and security focus.
ANSA strongly believes in supporting communities in fostering social cohesion, with the vision of building and supporting sustainable peace, social justice and human rights skills and knowledge among communities.
Number of Members
Southern Africa
Pretoria, South Africa
Joined URI Network

ANSA seeks to bridge the cultural diversity gap which contributes to violence and abuse of the human rights, exclusion, and marginalization of people in the communities in and around Tshwane.
Abuse of human rights and fundamental freedom are at the center of the many conflicts of communities of Tshwane. There is a community division based on nationality and religion.
Additionally – there is a global climate change pandemic. In the member´s experience tensions are easily created when people are not informed especially on issues that surround climate change which is also a contributing factor to migration. They also believe that it is crucial for every person to take part in reducing the carbon emissions, and understanding how climate change issues affects the everyday lives of people, so that people are able to contribute to reducing greenhouse emissions.


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